Thursday, June 7, 2012

The 32nd ASDAL Conference

Below is the abstract I sent to the organizers of the ASDAL Conference. ASDAL means Association of Seventh Day Adventist Librarians.
Title: Being Relevant in a Time of Constant Change

The paper presents landmark contributions of school libraries from the 20th century to the present time. It explores factors that shaped modern school library services and identifies researches, projects, strategies and trends that school librarians had undertaken to advocate and promote the important role that libraries play in the learning community. Examples of school library services and programs from local, national and international settings are included as well as personal success stories of library users from across the globe. The paper ends with insights and ideas in keeping the school library relevant in a time of constant change.
It is my first time to deliver a plenary to an international audience at that. I am nervously excited.

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