Wednesday, January 27, 2016

UP FLIPP: New Professionals Series

Because I was invited as one of the reactors to the seminar and conference.

Also, I support future LIS professionals whatever college, university or school they hail from. I have always asked myself when will I ever teach LIS in the college level. It looks like it is going to be a long time coming. It won't happen in the near future though, I feel it in my bones that teaching in the university is a path I can take. A possibility, if things go my way as planned.

What excites me about this seminar and conference is the discourse that will follow after the resource speakers' input. I am eager to hear new voices in the profession. I know I can learn from the younger set of LIS professionals as well as from students studying LIS. Since I blog, do expect a live blog entry. And yes, I will be using social media too.

Such conversations need to cut across groups and communities using media and technology. Who knows what conversations will transpire online line even after the seminar and conference folded up?

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